5th Kup



Question One

Name and identify six parts of the hand and arm you have learnt so far.

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Question Two

Who was Yul Gok?

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Yul-gok is the pseudonym of a great philosopher and scholar Yi I (1536-1584) nicknamed the Confucius of Korea. The 38 movements of this pattern refer to his birthplace on 38 latitude and the diagram represents scholar.

Question Three

How many movements does this pattern have?

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Question Four

What is the purpose of movements 1 and 4?

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To Measure

Question Five

Name and show 2 ‘sang’ (twin) techniques you know.

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• Twin Knifehand block (Sang Sonkal Makgi)
• Twin Forearm block (Sang Palmok Makgi)

Question Six

What does the colour ‘blue’ signify in taekwon-do?

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Signifies the sky and the heavens, towards which the tree grows as Taekwon-Do training progresses.

Question Seven

What techniques could you use the following tools for:
• Balkal
• Ap kumchi
• Dwitchook

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• Side kick
• Turning kick or Front kick
• Reverse Turning kick

Question Eight

Demonstrate Yopcha jirugi (Side Peircing Kick) and name the part of the foot you use. (Juniors use pad, Seniors use breaking boards)

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Balkal – Footsword (Be able to demonstrate side kick stood infront of target)

Question Nine

Demonstrate Dollyo Chagi (Turning Kick) and name the part of the foot you use. (Juniors use pad, Seniors use breaking boards)

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Ap Kumchi – Front sole (Be able to demonstrate turning kick stood at a 45° angle).

Question Ten

Demonstrate Bandae Dollyo Chagi (Reverse Turning Kick) and name the part of the foot you use. (Juniors use pad, Seniors use breaking boards)?

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Dwitchook – Heel (Be able to demonstrate reverse turning kick stood at a 45° angle)


1) Pattern Yul-Gok see patterns

2) Be prepared to perform any of the previous grade patterns

3) Two step sparring

4) Free sparring

5) Demonstrate Left and Right Side kick against a target

6) Adults attempt breaking a focus board using Left and Right Side kick

7) Demonstrate Left and Right Reverse Turning kick against a target

8) Adults attempt breaking a focus board using Left and Reverse Right
Turning kick

9) Adults demonstrate a choice of hand technique against a target

10) Adults given option to attempt breaking a focus board using hand

* Note this is the minimum requirement for this grade, you may be asked to
perform other techniques learnt during class.