1st Kup



Question One

What is the meaning of Choong Moo.

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CHOONG-MOO was the name given to the great Admiral Yi Soon-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armoured battleship (Kobukson) in 1592, which is said to be the precursor of the present day submarine. The reason why this pattern ends with a left hand attack is to symbolize his regrettable death, having no chance to show his unrestrained potentiality checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the king.

Question Two

Name all the patterns you have learnt and how many moves in each?

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• Chon-Ji (19 Moves)
• Dan-Gun (21 Moves)
• Do-San (24 Moves)
• Won-Hyo (28 Moves)
• Yul-Gok (38 Moves)
• Joong-Gun (32 Moves)
• Toi-Gye (37 Moves)
• Hwa-Rang (29 Moves)
• Choong-Moo (30 Moves)

Question Three

What does the colour black signify?

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Black is opposite of White, therefore, signifying the maturity and proficiency in Taekwon-Do. It also indicates the wearer’s imperviousness to darkness and fear.

Question Four

Name and show all the stances you know

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• Moa sogi A, B, C (Close stance A, B, C)
• Charyot sogi (Attention stance)
o Feet form a 45° angle• Narani sogi (Parallel stance)
o 1 Shoulder width measured Outside to outside

• Annun sogi (Sitting stance)
o 1½ Shoulder width measured Inside to inside

• Gunnun sogi (Walking stance)
o 1 Shoulder width centre of feet, 1½ Shoulder width long measured Toe to Toe
o Front foot points forward, rear foot pointing outward by 25°
o Weight distributed 50% front leg and 50% rear leg

• Nachuo sogi (Low stance)
o 1½ Shoulder width long measured Heel front foot to Toes rear Foot
o Weight distributed 50% front leg and 50% rear leg

• Niunja sogi (L stance)
o 1½ Shoulder width measured Toes to outside rear foot
o Toes of both feet point in by 15°
o Weight distributed 30% front leg and 70% rear leg

• Gojung sogi (Fixed stance)
o 1½ Shoulder width measured Toes to inside rear foot
o Toes of both feet point in by 15°
o Weight distributed 50% front leg and 50% back leg

• Guburyo sogi A (Bending stance A)
• Kyocha sogi (X-stance)
• Dwitbal sogi (Rear foot stance)
o 1 Shoulder width measured Toes to outside rear foot
o Toes of front foot point in by 25°, Toes of rear foot point in by 15°

• Soojik sogi (Vertical stance)
o 1 Shoulder width measured Toes to inside rear foot
o Toes of both feet point in by 15°

Question Five

Name and show all the blocks you know.

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• High Block – Nopunde Makgi
• Middle Block – Kaunde Makgi
• Low Block – Najunde Makgi
• Front Block – Ap Makgi
• Side-Front Block – Yop Ap Makgi
• Side Block -Yop Makgi
• Rising Block – Chookyo Makgi
• Wedging Block – Hechyo Makgi
• Hooking Block – Golcho Makgi
• Circular Block – Dollimyo Makgi
• Pressing Block – Noollo Makgi
• Double Forearm Block – Doo Palmok Makgi
• Guarding Block – Daebi Makgi
• Twin Forearm Block – Sang Palmok Makgi
• Checking Block – Momchau Makgi
• Upward Block – Ollyo Makgi
• U-Shaped Block – Digutja Makgi
• W-Shaped Block – San Makgi
• Pushing Block – Miro Makgi

Question Six

Name and point to all the hand parts you know.

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Question Seven

Name and point to all the foot parts you know.

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Question Eight

Point to fore fist and show all the moves you know using this tool.

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• Side Punch (Yop Jirugi)
• Front Punch (Ap Jirugi)
• Veritcal Punch (Sewo Jirugi)
• Upset Punch (Dwijibo Jirugi)
• Upward Punch (Ollyo Jirugi)
• Angle Punch (Giokja Jirugi)
• Turning Punch (Dollyo Jirugi)
• Crescent Punch (Bandal Jirugi)

Question Nine

Be able to describe the meaning of the following motions

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• Fast Motion
• Slow Motion
• Connecting Motion
• Continous Motion

Question Ten

Name all the kicks you know.

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• Front Snap Kick – Apcha Busigi
• Side Front Snap Kick – Yopap Cha Busigi
• Side Piercing Kick – Yop Cha Jirugi
• Turning Kick – Dollyo Chagi
• Side Turning Kick – Yop Dollyo Chagi
• Downward Kick – Naeryo Chagi
• Reverse Turning Kick – Bandae Dollyo Chagi
• Reverse Hooking Kick – Bandae Dollyo Gorochagi
• Twisting Kick – Bituro Chagi
• Pressing Kick – Noollo Chagi
• Back Piercing Kick – Dwitcha Jirugi
• Upward Kick – Ollyo Chagi
• Stamping Kick – Cha Bapgi
• Rising Kick – Cha Olligi
• Crescent Kick – Bandal Chagi
• Flying Kick – Twimyo Chagi

Question Eleven

Demonstrate Yopcha jirugi (Side Peircing Kick) and name the part of the foot you use. (Juniors use pad, Seniors use breaking boards)

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Balkal – Foot sword (Be able to demonstrate side kick)

Question Twelve

Demonstrate Dollyo Chagi (Turning Kick) and name the part of the foot you use. (Juniors use pad, Seniors use breaking boards)

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Ap Kumchi – Front sole (Be able to demonstrate turning kick stood at a 45° angle)

Question Thirteen

Demonstrate Bandae Dollyo Chagi (Reverse Turning Kick) and name the part of the foot you use. (Juniors use pad, Seniors use breaking boards)?

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Dwitchook – Heel (Be able to demonstrate reverse turning kick stood at a 45° angle)


1) Pattern Choong-Moo see patterns

2) Be prepared to perform any of the previous grade patterns

3) One step sparring

4) Free sparring

5) Foot sparring

6) Self defence techniques

7) Demonstrate Left and Right Side kick against a target

8) Adults attempt breaking a focus board using Left and Right Side kick

9) Demonstrate Left and Right Turning kick against a target

10) Adults attempt breaking a focus board using Left and Right Turning kick

11) Demonstrate Left and Right Reverse Turning kick against a target

12) Adults attempt breaking a focus board using Left and then Reverse Right
Turning kick

13) Adults demonstrate a choice of hand technique against a target

14) Adults given option to attempt breaking a focus board using hand

* Note this is the minimum requirement for this grade, you may be asked to
perform other techniques learnt during class.