As we are approaching week 12 of Lockdown, who would have thought we’d be here back in March when it all started? We would like to take the opportunity to extend a huge THANK YOU to all our students and their families who have supported the continued operation of Thames Valley Taekwon-Do.
Without your unprecedented loyalty and support both in attending sessions and financially we would not be able to survive and therefore return when the sports centres do eventually allow us back on the mat.
We have worked very hard to maintain some continuity, tried new things, FiT45 (the new name for Wake Up Shake Up), Taekwon-Do sessions applicable to level and age, quizzes, colouring activities, 121 sessions and even gradings. It is key to us that you are all still able to access quality tuition and at great value.
We see most of you have managed to engage at some level or another and discovered that it is possible to maintain and/or improve your level. In fact there are some aspects of online training which offer value over and above the physical “norm” which we would have been oblivious to; it seems online can offer a more intimate experience and attention to detail not anticipated before this time.
So, when we do go back onto the mat, you are stronger and motivated, we have also had some good laughs online; meeting family members which also includes your pets and mine!
We have welcomed some new faces and reached out to our international friends too and it has been a truly enlightening experience. Next Wednesday 24 June, I will be taking an online class for Master Taverner from Exeter so further opportunity to join in with other UKTA students. If you would like to join in, all blue belts and above are all welcome.
Here’s the Zoom link to click and join
Meeting ID: 399 697 7588
Password: 441426
Taking the positives where we can, we are planning to continue some of these services going forward. I particularly like the idea that I can take you on holiday and offer some sessions in the holiday periods and likewise you may be able to take us online too when you go away! We will keep you updated on developments.
Further to the government’s latest guidelines, we can now offer training to groups of 5 (same ability level) in our garden, it provides plenty of space for 2m social distance requirements so if you are interested let me know. Please use the Group Facebook page to get in touch with each other if need be.
We will continue to expand our services where we can in accordance with government guidelines letting you know along the way.