U8/13 years Halloween Training 31 October

Rivermead Leisure Complex Richfield Avenue, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Rivermead Leisure Complex, Monday 31 October is Halloween night. Under 8 and 13 year classes...fancy dressing up and coming in your favourite dressing up outfit? This is the night! See you there.....



Guildford Spectrum Parkway,, Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom

Saturday 5 November of the 2022 UK Open has been granted recognition as an EITF ‘A’ Class Tournament. THIS IS A BLACK BELT AND UNDER UNDER 14 RED BELT TOURNAMENT The event will take place at the Guildford Spectrum, Parkway, Guildford GU1 1UP Click HERE to find out more about the competition and to sign up to compete.

40th Anniversary U8/13 Years Celebration Rivermead LC, Reading

Rivermead Leisure Complex Richfield Avenue, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Happy Birthday Thames Valley Taekwon-Do, 40 on 9 November! To celebrate, we have a special edition T-shirt, click our shop link to order yours here. Celebrating our diversity bring your favourite National dish 4pm - Under 8s training 5pm All Under 13s training (all grades) Under 8s fancy dress and food in Thames Suite 6pm


Children in Need 2022 – Be SPOTACULAR!

Rivermead Leisure Complex Richfield Avenue, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Children in Need 2022 aims to raise awareness of grassroot organisations. We hope in some small way, that Thames Valley Taekwon-Do helps support our community and youth, shaping lives and supporting mental well being. SPOTs and SPOTacular bake sales, there are endless ways to get SPOTacular for BBC Children in Need this year. As a club,


Student Assessments – Bulmershe

Bulmershe Leisure Centre, Woodley Woodlands Avenue, Woodley, United Kingdom

Student Assessments in Woodley by invitation only

40th Anniversary and Christmas Celebration Afternoon

The Elephant Hotel Church Road, Pangbourne, United Kingdom

An afternoon of celebration - this year marks Thames Valley Pro Taekwon-Do School's 40th Anniversary. We would like to invite all our students and their families to celebrate with us. Tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis, we have limited places. The price of each ticket ranges, dependent on courses ordered,

£20 – £40

UKTA National Technical Seminar and Grading 2023

UKTA National Technical Seminar and Grading of 2023 3/4/5th March CMC Sports & Social Club, Heath Park Way, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, CF14 4XW. 2nd Kups are invited to train and grade if eligible. Black Belt pre-gradings (for September and March 2024) and gradings to 1st Kup will be conducted on Saturday evening. The UKTA AGM will

UK Open

More info will follow.