Did you know? Between 12-16 November it’s Antibullying Week? The theme this year is RESPECT and we know all about that as one of the tenets of Taekwon-Do under COURTESY ( ye ui).
“It is proper that all people have good manners, are polite, resepectful and courteous to one another” (ITF student’s handbook page 14).
From our Mini Kickers through to our Veteran classes, respect is instilled into each student from white to black belt. We will be focusing on RESPECT this week in all of our classes as it is important to help children and young people, parents and other professionals who work with children to understand:
The definition of respect
That bullying is a behaviour choice
That we can respectfully disagree with each other i.e. we don’t have to be best friends or always agree with each other but we do have to respect each other
That we all need to choose to respect each other both face to face and online
Banter turns bad!
Do you know how to recognise when banter turns bad, Stop- Speak-Support (www.stopspeaksupport.com) has a great guide on what to do if you’re uncomfortable with behaviour you see in school, online or in the community. #chooserespect
Speak to one of the charities set up to help with situations like this, such as Childline.
Childline can support young people who are experiencing all forms of bullying. If you’re worried about yourself or someone you know, they’re on hand for support and advice, both online or on the phone.
Ask an adult or friend that you can trust for advice.
Have a word with an adult you trust – it could be a parent or other member of your family, or a teacher or youth worker.
Many people don’t do this because they’re worried about making things worse– but if something’s making you uncomfortable, you need to talk about it.
Use the report button for the social media it’s happening on.
If you’re concerned about online content or behaviour, please report it to the site or platform you’re on.
Most social media platforms will follow up on you once something has been reported and keep you informed of their decisions.
You can find more details of how to report stuff here